The following letter was written by Big Mama to grandson Allen
while he was working in Texas in the summer of 1968.
Dear Allen;
Well here I come at last, trying to wright you a letter after you having been
away so long. Gee it seems such a long time since you went away!!! I remember
so well the last time you came in to see us just for a very few minutes, and I
was asking you about a job some of the boys around here were getting and you
said “I have a job in Texas” but I never dreamed that you really meant to go
away out there, and didn’t know for a day or so that you had already gone. We
have been hearing from you ever since you went away thru your mom & dad, for
they tell us every time they hear anything from you. Well yesterday morning your
dad came up and was banging on our front door before we got up, I jumped out of
bed to let him in and he said “ I have some money for you, LOTS of it” I was
wondering where it came from, just thought some body had come to the store after
we left Sat. eve and paid on their store account or something like that, but LO-
and BEHOLD it was your BIG check and he said you wanted him to pay me what you
borrowed!! I gave him a check for the difference ($15.34) so now all that is
settled. Thanks a million for being so nice about paying it back, and I’m real
proud that I was able to help you out of a tight spot and hope that if you ever
get to the place where you can’t pull out without help I can pitch in and help
you some way again. Just hope that you will take care of every penny you make
and put it to a good use. Just wonder if that was a weeks pay check if so you
really are making good out there. They tell me that you have sent quite a bit of
money back home besides paying off your loan. Since you left I have bought a
Big Screen TV (Color) also a dishwasher (Undercounter) and an Air Conditioner
for our little front room where the desk is. It is so cool and rainy here now I
need a fire almost instead of it tho. Ha. It was real dry here until Sun. and
know we are having plenty of it even today. Our new carpet sure has had plenty
trodding on here of late. See Tillie and family came in June and spent a week
and half and while here some of their neighbors from Ohio came in one night and stayed
till away up in the next day – just 12 of all for breakfast that morning!
Also Glenn Ginny Dot & Charles came the next day after they left, so you see we
have had the “Summer Cousins” but we injoyed every minute of it. Then Al, Fran
Susan and Kim came last Wed. evening (Late) and brought Pork ribs to roast for
the 4th also chickens, watermellons, tomatoes, etc. So he went up to your house
Thursday Morn and began cooking on the grill Ferrell made in the back yard, we
all cooked some things to carry up there to go along with all that barbecued
meat and when we gathered up, there was a pretty good sized crowd of us. See Kate
had company too, Harold and family were here at that time and did they ever enjoy
our picnic as well and all the rest of us did. We all just sat out under those
big pine trees all the rest of the evening. They had it all so clean and pretty
all the way to the neighbors house (or yard) there was a cool breeze and it was
real nice out there. Also since you left three of our grand children have gotten
married!! Ronny, Terry, and Judi, just wonder who will be next???? Perhaps it is
Sandra?? Know they have written you about Lynn being in Ohio, we miss her for she
was here most every day watching TV also all of them come in to watch it.
Pop and me are still going strong especially on week ends like we have been doing
a long time. The store still doing pretty good. We miss seeing you around here
also Denton we never see him just once in a great while, for he sleeps in day
time and works nights. Allen you do plan to come back and go to college this
fall don’t you?? I sure hope so, for we sure want you to finish college and stay
in this part of the country so don’t take a liking for Texas tooooo much for we
want our sweet red headed boy to come back home!!!! so get rich quick and come
soon as you can make the rift. Love always BIG MOM
The following note was written on the back of the letter: