Emma Springfield Sanders Obituary

From the Sanders Family files of Legacy Keeper Donna Thompson.


Mrs. Emma Sanders is Buried Tuesday

     Mrs. Emma Springfield Sanders passed away at her home October 27th at 5:00 A.M., following an illness of several weeks.  Mrs. Sanders was the wife of the late James M. Sanders.  She had lived in Lamar County all of her life.  She was 80 years, 9 months, and 29 days old.  Mrs. Sanders was a devoted Christian, dearly loved and respected by all who knew her.
    Funeral services were held Tuesday at 10:00 A.M. at the family cemetery with Rev. R. Shelton conducting.  Falkner Funeral Home directing.
    Surviving are six children:  Mrs. Clara Perkins, Vernon;  Mrs. Lessie McCarver, Vernon;  Mrs. Myra Cunningham, Hamilton, Miss.; G. Kent Sanders, Vernon;  Kelley G. Sanders, Vernon;  Prentice Sanders, Vernon;  one sister, Miss Lula Springfield, Birmingham; and one brother, Rev. G.W. Springfield, Alvin, Texas, and twenty-five grandchildren.
    The grandsons served as pallbearers, while the granddaughters, aided by friends, served as flower girls.
    Among the out-of-town relatives and friends attending the funeral were:  Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Morton;   Mr. and Mrs. John M. McCarver;   Mrs. Anna Banks Pounders; Messrs. Billy Cunningham and Gay Sanders;  and Mrs. Ella Finch, Birmingham;  Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeVille, Biloxi, MIss.;  Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hill, Mobile, Ala.; Mrs. William Newton, Mrs. Allison White, Mrs. Grover Propst, Fayette;  Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Sanders and son, Miss Lou Ann Sanders, Amory, Miss.;  Mr. and Mrs. James K. Winders, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Cunningham, Mr. T.F. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. V.B. Cannon, Hamilton, Miss.;  Mr. Jackson Sanders, Mrs. Dena Guin, Mr. Arley Guin, Caledonia, Miss.;  Mrs. Hattie Redus, Mr. and Mrs. Richards, Ethelville, Ala.; Mr. H.L. Copeland, Reform; and Miss Lema Perkins, Atlanta, Ga.

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